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Examples of best pratices

Here are two examples of the 115 best practices that can be applied to a web application.
Be sure to check the other ones

Hosting #811

Only use the essential sections of JavaScript and CSS libraries

JavaScript libraries (e.g. jQuery, MooTools and YUI) and ready-to-use CSS frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap, skeleton, gumby and foundation) are excellent tools for building websites quickly because they meet all the most common requirements. On the other hand, we only use a small part of their capabilities, yet these frameworks and libraries are not based on a modular architecture, forcing the user to download the whole library in order to use only a small percentage of its features.
Whenever possible, it is best to do without these libraries (c.f. or to only keep the parts which are actually used (c.f. If this is not feasible, download the source code and create a custom build that only includes the necessary components.

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Development #35

Check JavaScript code

JSLint is a JavaScript code quality tool that checks that the JavaScript syntax used will be understood by all browsers.

The code produced thus complies with coding rules which enables interpreters to quickly and easily run the code. The CPU is therefore utilized for a shorter time.

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