Successfully passed 6 of 15 best practices tested
The page is using 0 (object
and embed
41 requests were made to display this page. In 2016, websites used 106 requests on average (see Internet Archive). We advise to aim for 25% of this value, in other words, 26 requests.
You should have 1 inlined Javascript and 0 inlined CSS in your page. We’ve found:
- Frame #0: 3 inlined stylesheet(s) and 4 inlined script(s).
You should limit the number of external CSS files to 2 per frame at most. This is the styleheets we’ve detected on this page: - Frame 0: 2 stylesheets
The page does not provide a print stylesheet.
You should use 0 custom fonts at most. We found in this page:
- Frame #0: 4 custom font(s) (“Barlow”, “Barlow Semi Condensed”, “Major Mono Display”, “IcoMoon”).
There are 0 <img>
with an empty src
0 <script>
with an empty src
and 0 <link rel=stylesheet>
with an empty href
Your Javascript code should not contain any error. This is what we found:
27 images are displayed smaller than their natural dimensions.
We have detected 7 domains in this page. You should have 2 different domains at most.
3 stylesheets out of 5 are minified. At least 95% should be minified.
37 (probably static) resources out of 38 have HTTP cache headers.
Received 14 compressed text resources, on a total of 14 text resources worth compressing.
0 (probably static) resources out of 38 have an HTTP ETag header.
9 scripts out of 11 are minified.