
Use all the CMS' levels of caching


If the CMS (e.g. Drupal or eZ Publish) offers it, make use of multiple levels of caching, as their granularity means fewer resources are consumed (CPU and memory) and performance is improved for the user.

Drupal’s basic configuration includes 6 levels of caching. 1. The cache table (or bin since Drupal 7) saves a copy of the configuration of the modules, the structure of all the other tables and all the information concerning the theme used on the website. 2. The cache page table saves a copy of pages, but only for unidentified users. 3. The cache block table saves a copy of blocks. 4. The cache menu table saves a copy of the navigation menu and the associated URLs. 5. The cache filter table saves a copy of all the nodes’ content, once they have been filtered by the filter system. 6. The cache form table saves all the forms submitted to the API form.

bookContext: Server Code
application: CMS

You must cache all of the view requests, view results, blocks displaying the views and the page. You can also fine-tune the cache strategies to increase the TTL (Time to Live) of rarely-changed HTML elements.

This best practice should only be applied if it is coherent with your project's specifications.
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